
How hard to build a motor!!!

I would say it's not hard to build a motor if I followed the instructure at first and go through it. But I didn't, it caused so much trouble.

The hardest part is to get everything. I went to home depo and tried to find the iron. They were not too big or too small to use. Because I was told to find some 80 cent iron, I got nothing. I found the 14AWG single strip, wire but I found it 20 dollars expensive than what I had been told.  I found lots of strings but I could not be sure about how it will be so I didn't buy it either. So I only bought a lamp wire and battery in there.

When I finally find everything and started to build my motor. I was struggled by stapling two string cross together.  My host dad gave me some duck tape and it worked well.

When I wrapped the magnet wire on it. I tried my best to make it close to each other and tight. But I found out it was too tight that the other side was getting wider. So I have to redo it. I put a little piece of metal at the end of the side I was wrapping. so it won't get smaller.

When I finished wrapping hundreds times of wires, and finish building it, i started to test it.

It started to shake and connect to the side. I tried to find the problem. I realized it might be that I over cross the side with the magnet wire to staple the cross. When I changed that, it started turning slowly!!! When I fixed the brushes a little bit, it started to spin really fast.

Because I found out how did the motor in the classroom can be wrapped so smoothly, I think I did a pretty good job on that.

It's hard to build but I had lots of fun playing with it when it start to spin.

